Buck Rogers - Released by Blah Blah Woof Woof.

You are Buck Rogers fighting a desperate battle on Planet Zoom in the twenty-fifth century.
To escape the planet, you must carefully pilot your ship through dangerous Electron Posts and dodge menacing Space Hoppers that can crush your ship.
Once you escape from the planet surface, you face a swarm of Alien Saucers that protect the Mother Ship. Destroy the Alien Saucers, and then aim a direct hit at the dreaded Mother Ship!
It's never easy when it's do or die. You must hit the Mother Ship with two deadly shots. Anything less only waste precious time.
Aim steady, but hurry....Your time is dangerously low! You must complete your mission before you run out of fuel, or your ship explodes!
This marks Blah Blah Woof Woof's third official released Homebrew game (BBWW-003).
- Digital Bundle includes:
- Box cover art
- Overlay arts
- .BIN/.CFG & .ROM files
- User manual
- Label art
- Nintellivision Overlay file included (.OVL)